
Friday, July 2, 2010

Leedle Deets!

Here I am sitting at work and all I want to do is go swimming or lounge around in the bright, wonderful sun! I often wonder what "normal" Students and people my age do on any given day as beautiful as this one. It has been 3 days since I got my wisdom teeth removed. Have no fear my friends, I am still very wise and have no intention on losing any wisdom in the long term. I feel, however that I am losing brain cells. This crazy medicine that the doc gave me is some crazy stuff!
I suppose any medicine in my system would be crazy considering I haven't really had anything stronger than Ibuprofen. My head is spinning, eyes half mast, random bursts of giggles, and even the occasional dizzy spell. As you may well know, I am new at this posting thing and so I ask that you all bear with me until I become used to the idea of writing my thoughts and not getting any feedback in return.

1 comment:

  1. ba! I foiled your plans on no feedback!!! mwa haha. :) Midge you are so funny, I just love you! Keep posting! :)

